
Benefits of Wearing Sunscreen All Year Long

Benefits of wearing sunscreen by Believe Aesthetics in San Antonio , TX

Why Summertime is Not the Only Season for Sunscreen

As summer has come to a close, most people put away their sunscreen. Hopes of getting that naturally tanned body from the sun vanish, but just because you are not enjoying the heat of the rays does not mean they cannot affect your skin. It is highly recommended that for healthy skin, you wear sunscreen in every season all year long. Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy from year-round sunscreen use.

Youthful Complexion

Aging has its advantages, but a youthfully exuberant complexion is not one of them. Overexposure to the sun is well known to bring about pre-mature aging in skin, but overexposing your skin is not simply from lying by the beach too long. Sun exposure causes collagen, keratin, and essential elasticities to evaporates causing skin to appear older and therefore losing that vital youthful glow. The sun’s rays do not change throughout the year even though temperatures are cooler and pre-mature skin aging can be a significant problem if you do not regularly use sunscreen all year long.

Skin Cancer

Cancer is a word that no one wants to hear their doctor say. It is a disease that attacks the organs and tissues of the body. Among the most common types of cancer is skin cancer. More people have been diagnosed with skin cancer than any other form of cancer known to man. The reason for so much emphasis on this cancer type is simply overexposure. A high-quality sunscreen used throughout the year will maintain a protective layer between those harmful rays and your skin, so you are at a much less risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers.

Acne Fighter

Some individuals never have a problem with acne, but the vast majority of people will contend with acne in some form during their teens or later in life. Adult acne cases are on the rise and there are a lot of contributing factors for the trend. Acne is caused from excess oil beneath the surface. What happens when exposing skin to UV rays is that the acne oil is dried up. People often come under the misconception that the sun helps acne skin, but in fact that drying up of oil from sunlight simply scars skin further leading to evident scarring when skin becomes tan. Always wear sunscreen to avoid worsening the appearance and scarring from acne prone skin.

We at Believe Aesthetics want all of our patients to have and maintain the skin they have always desired. We highly recommend using sunscreen during every season of the year to protect against skin cancer and maintain optimal health for your epidermis. It is the largest organ in your body and it deserves respect and the right treatment. Should you require any additional help with beautifying your skin, do not hesitate to contact us. Believe Aesthetics specializes in bringing out your true beauty for you and the world to see. Have you put on your sunscreen today?


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