
IPL for Hands, Arms, and Decollate to Erase the Signs of Aging

ipl hands by Believe Aesthetics in San Antonio , TX

The signs of aging can seem to pop up overnight. One day you feel and look your best and by the other, you notice spots and discoloration of your skin. Creams and various serums can minimize the appearance of these age-related spots, but only IPL or intense pulse light therapy, can work to eliminate them. IPL from Believe Aesthetics can be used on hands, arms, and decollate with beautiful results.

What is IPL?

IPL is an intense pulse light procedure that has proven far superior to standard facials and chemical peels. Unlike these methods of skin rejuvenation, IPL offers a more gentle approach. Skin is stimulated via intense light so smooth out skin tones without irritating or damaging the skin itself. IPL reaches deep into skin to pull out its full potential which is better than other cosmetic beautification procedures that merely burn off the outer layer of skin with lasers.

How Long Are Treatments

Your individual treatment times may vary depending on the level of damage and the area being treated. The average treatment time is 30 minutes, but it could be longer for larger treatment areas such as arms and decollate. For full results, patients may have to undergo a series of up to 6 treatments spread out two to four weeks apart. Each treatment can be accompanied by mild redness lasting for up to 24 hours, but most patients feel very little discomfort.

Improves Skin’s Texture

Visual appearance of skin is important, but it is often the actual texture of the skin that proves to be most difficult. Specialized creams can reduce the appearance of skin discoloration, but a rough texture can still remain. With IPL for hands, arms, and decollate, texture as well as color is accounted for. Following the recommended number of procedures for your individual skin type, you will see a visual difference in both your skin’s appearance as well as its texture.

Reverse Sun Damage

Even if you routinely use sunscreen while out in the sun, sun damage can still be a factor. Sun damage can reach deep into the skin and covering it up with creams and foundations is only masking the problem. IPL has proven to turn back sun damage and rejuvenate skin better than more invasive cosmetic procedures. For proven results and beautifully youthful skin, choose IPL.

Believe Aesthetics

Here at Believe Aesthetics we do not merely mask problems with skin, but work to eliminate them completely. If you have battled with age spots, sun damage, or variations in skin tone, contact us and schedule an appointment with one of our professional consultants. They can advise on whether IPL is an option for your needs and work with you to come up with the best solution for your individualized condition. Do not go through another year being embarrassed about your skin. Use IPL to get back the youthful exuberance you have been missing. Is skin tone and texture a problem for you?


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