PRP Facial VS Facelift

When people consider cosmetic surgery, the first thing that often comes to mind is a facelift. This procedure has been a part of the cosmetic industry since the first facelift in 1901. Thankfully, facelifts have come a long way in their many years of existence, but today, we have more options for tightening and rejuvenating skin. Among the options for those looking to improve their facial beauty, is the PRP Facial. We will compare and contrast both the PRP Facial and a standard facelift so you can make an informed decision as to what is best for your needs and remember, for any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at Believe Aesthetics.

How Invasive

Going under the knife to have a facelift performed can be a frightening thing. Specific areas of the skin are cut and stretched to allow for a fuller, more youthful appearance, so the actual procedure is quite invasive. PRP Facials on the other hand are much less invasive. Instead of cutting the skin, injections of patients own platelets are injected into the skin through microneedles. A PRP Facial device is moved over the skin by our registered nurse here at Believe Aesthetics.


Believe Aesthetics understands that our patients are quite busy and have a lot of demands on their time. They want procedures that offer minimal impact on their day to day lives and that is exactly what PRP Facials provide. Where a facelift may leave a patient unable to return to their daily routine for weeks, PRP Facials often allow patients to get back to their routine the very next day. The injection sites tend to only show redness for a few hours without bruising the skin. Some patients do experience a bit of swelling, but that is usually quite minimal and goes away quickly.

Does it Hurt

PRP Facials are mildly invasive and therefore are much more comfortable to undergo than a standard facelift. The microneedling of the procedure ensures that the patient feels minimal pain and a numbing agent is added before the procedure to further assist with any discomfort. The patient may feel a mild burning sensation, but most patients do not mind.

Facelifts, by nature, are simply more invasive. The act of cutting into the skin to make the face as the patients wants will result in some pain. Tenderness from the procedure along with the bruising that can result is a lot to take before seeing any benefits.

Believe Aesthetics

We at Believe Aesthetics want to help you see yourself in the best way possible. If you are experiencing tired, sagging, or drawn looking skin on your face, our PRP Facials can help. Look years younger and feel your ultimate best with a PRP Facial today. If you are still unsure if this is the right action for you, feel free to contact Believe Aesthetics and one of our consultants will be happy to arrange a consultation to go over your options. Do you feel and look your best?


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