
What You Need to Know About PRF Hair Loss Treatment

Even though platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) are similar in some ways, PRF is better for hair restoration because of some key differences.

Both procedures need a small amount of blood, but PRF needs less. The centrifuge is then used to spin PRP faster, which makes the stem cells and white blood cells, which are heavier, settle in the bottom of the test tube and the platelets and plasma settle in the top. Platelets and plasma are taken from the blood and injected into the areas where hair is starting to thin.

Research shows that a mix of even more platelets, white blood cells, and stem cells works better. This is what PRF gives you. To make PRF, the blood is spun at a slower speed so that its layers don’t separate as clearly. This keeps some of the stem cells and white blood cells in the platelet layer instead of separating them. This means that PRF has more ways to heal than PRP. Also, the lower speed of the centrifuge does less damage to the individual cells.

The number of platelets in PRP and PRF at the end is also different. At the end of PRP, there are 2 to 5 times as many platelets as there are in normal blood. Higher concentrations are better, and when compared to normal blood, PRF has about 10 times as many platelets as normal blood.

Also, PRF does not have any extra ingredients, while PRP is made by mixing the blood with an anticoagulant. Without the anticoagulant, PRF takes the fibrinogen that is already in our blood, and thrombin turns it into fibrin, which is the first part of a blood clot. This makes a spongy fibrin matrix that activates the platelets and acts as a scaffolding to keep the growth factors and stem cells where they are injected, which can not happen with PRP.

PRF Treatment for Women’s Hair

People often think that only men lose their hair. Women can lose their hair because of their genes, their hormones, or stress. By age 50, about 40% of women have thinning hair or hair loss. PRF can be a good way to treat hair loss and thinning in women.

The sooner you get help, the more likely it is that it will work. Appointments take 45 minutes to an hour, aren’t too painful, don’t require surgery or other invasive procedures, and don’t require much time to recover.

PRF is a biomaterial that is made entirely of the patient’s own cells. It can speed up the healing of wounds and the growth of new tissues, as well as increase the growth of new bones and blood vessels. About 10 times more platelets can be found in PRF than in normal blood. This means that PRF has great healing and regenerative properties.

PRF Treatment for Men’s Hair

Most of the problems men have with their hair can be fixed with PRF hair treatments. This includes male pattern baldness, hair loss from stress, thinning hair, and long-term conditions that cause hair loss.

The PRF is the second generation after the PRP. With PRF, there is no anticoagulant in the tube where the blood is collected. When the plasma is injected into the treatment area, it forms a fibrin scaffold that is full of platelets and white blood cells. The fibrin clot can making it possible for the growth factors and cytokines to be released much more slowly and over a longer period of time. This means that PRF treatment can continue to release more growth factors over time, even after your treatment is done.

The treatment is quick, doesn’t hurt much, and doesn’t need any time to heal. It’s also non-invasive, doesn’t involve surgery, and doesn’t need any drugs.

Your PRF Appointment to Treat Hair Loss

Appointments should last 45 to 60 minutes and won’t leave any trace. They are easy to fit into a busy day, even at dinner time.

How does a PRF treatment for hair loss look and feel?

  • We take a small amount of blood out of the patient using tools made just for PRF treatments.
  • The PRF tube is then put into a tube holder and cooled for 60 seconds. By cooling the blood, 20–50% more PRF liquid can be used to reintroduce it into the areas where hair loss or thinning is a problem.
  • We put the blood right into a centrifuge made for PRF treatments to separate the blood’s different parts. The PRF tubes are spun for 5 minutes at exactly 700rpm.
  • The PRF is then carefully injected into the areas where hair loss and thinning are a problem.

Once the treatment is done, there will be no sign of it, and you can go about your day as usual. However, don’t work out or take a shower for at least 4 hours.

As we age, our hair gets thinner on its own. It’s just how things are. Some people like it, including a growing number of celebrities and well-known people, while others want to go back to having thicker hair like they did when they were younger. At Believe Aesthetics & Wellness, we think that the only “right” way to do something is the one that works best for you.

We know that losing our hair can affect more than just how we look; it can also affect how we feel about ourselves.

PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin, is a powerful treatment that has been shown to help restore hair growth without surgery. It can help both men and women get their hair back.

Make an appointment now and get the self-confidence you need back.


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