When to Start Aesthetic Treatments?

We live in an age where information is freely given on a wide range of different avenues. Where adults used to get their information about possible aesthetic treatments from television and printed media ads, we can now gain access to this information from pop up ads on social media, Google recommendations, and a number of other places. This may be a great idea to maximize the overall reach of the cosmetic industry, but it also brings up an important question in regard to how young is too young for cosmetic procedures as more young people are exposed to aesthetic enhancement ads.

A Large Influence

Beauty is power among the celebrity sect and always has been a part of the industry. Looking great on the big and small screen is how they make the big bucks, so it is understandable that they would want to look their best. Celebrities are the largest influence on the industry and many years ago, a celebrity would hide the fact that they had any aesthetic work done as a means of masking their need for a little help. Today, celebrities are not bound by such negative connotations within the fashion world and are thankfully more open about procedures they undergo. This also means that fans of all ages are exposed to the sometimes drastic change, so caution on age should always be taken.

Current Trends

The cosmetic industry is larger today than it ever has been. What started as a facelift in the early 1900s has blossomed into an industry devoted to keeping everyone looking and feeling as young as they want to. Procedures range from mild changes as with Botox injections producing a smoother appearance all the way to drastic changes such as breast and butt enhancements. These procedures used to be a part of the older generation’s beauty regimens, but patients in their early 20s are now coming in inquiring about the need for specific procedures.  In fact, millennials are one of the fasted growing age groups who regularly use Botox to prevent wrinkles.

Applicable Procedures for Younger Individuals

It is perfectly acceptable to receive most aesthetic procedures once the body has reached the full age of maturity from the age of 18 or even into the early 20s. Naturally, the most common form of surgical aesthetic interventions for young people includes breast enhancements to allow for a fuller appearance and a boost in body image. Due to the increased interest in posterior enhancement, butt lifts have begun to rival breast enhancements as well. These forms of aesthetic procedures are a great idea for anyone looking to help their appearance.  Non-surgical procedures such as Botox, body contouring, dermal fillers and micro needling are growing in popularity in younger generations.


That is a great question. Physical enhancement will help you feel better about yourself, but the fear of getting older should never take over your entire life. Most patients do not show signs of aging such as wrinkles until their mid to late 30s; however starting a good skincare regime and treatments such as Botox or Dysport for preventative measures helps preserve the youthful appearance of your skin.  Chemical peels and dermal fillers are common corrective treatments for younger clients seeking to improve skin tone, texture and laxity.  Always consult your aesthetic professional to determine which procedures are right for your age and specific needs.  Are you ready to look and feel younger than ever before?


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