Why Does Skin Age?

It can be easy to see your skin ageing right before your eyes, but just because it is something that happens naturally, does not make it any more comfortable to deal with. At Believe Aesthetics, we love helping patients turn back the hands of time through our array of non-invasive cosmetic treatments, but we also want our patients to be informed of why skin ages. Here are just a few reasons why those fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven skin tones happen as we age.

Loss of Collagen

One of the main contributing factors to aging skin is a loss of collagen. Collagen in the skin is what gives it a healthy glow and exuberant appearance. As we age, our skin loses collagen and is unable to produce it like when we are younger. It is up to the individual to ensure that their skin gets a healthy dose of collagen by adding it through moisturizers or eating foods high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These foods include fatty fish such as fresh tuna and salmon.

Eating Too Many Sweets

As stated above, a person must maintain a certain level of collagen in their skin in order to ward off the early signs of aging. Eating too many sweets can keep you from achieving that goal. Sugar breaks down collagen. This is not simply limited to candies and sugar laden pastries, but drinks as well. Excessively adding sugar to coffee and teas or just drinking too many carbonated and caffeine enhanced drinks can pack in sugar as well, so in an effort to maintain healthy collagen levels, lay off the sweets.

Intense and Rapid Weight Loss

Dieting has become a way of life for some people and where eating healthy and maintaining proper exercise is a much better way to live, losing weight too quickly can cause your skin to look older than it actually is. Weight loss is an applicable goal and we should all ensure we do our part to keep our bodies healthy, but crash diets and intense exercise routines can cause weight to come off too quickly. Your skin needs time to adjust to weight loss and if you lose more than 15 pounds every 30 days, you are not allowing enough time to allow your skin to adjust to the weight loss. Lose weight, but do so in a slow and healthy fashion.

Believe Aesthetics

If you are tired of looking at aging skin and feeling self-conscious about your appearance, come see the professionals at Believe Aesthetics. We are experts in our field and offer a myriad of treatment options for every age and every type of skin. Let us help you turn back the hands of time without any highly invasive cosmetic procedures. To us, you are more than just another patient, you are a person we can assist in feeling better about themselves and looking younger than ever before. Do not let aging get the better of you. How is your skin aging?


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