Why Photofacials are Outshining Invasive Laser Treatments

The signs of aging are simply one thing that will ultimately happen to everyone and traditionally, aggressive laser treatments have been utilized to alleviate many of these signs. However, thanks to modern technology, the invasive laser treatment is becoming outdated. Photofacials are outshining aggressive laser treatments more than ever before and here are just a few reasons why the trend is taking place.


Aggressive laser treatments can be an invasive procedure. The skin is significantly heated and manipulated for optimal results. The downtime associated with aggressive laser treatments can be up to two weeks with a lot of post procedure care to ensure proper healing occurs. A photofacial is very different.

With a photofacial, downtime is virtually nonexistent as it is a non-invasive procedure. Apart from a mild burning sensation felt by some of the more sensitive individuals, a photofacial is remarkably painless. Most patients are back to their regular routine the very next day or up to an hour after the procedure. For this reason, most patients do not mind coming back for multiple sessions to ensure the procedure is a success.

Ideal for Any Age

There is a misconception often when it comes to cosmetic procedures that they are merely for older people. Age/sun spots, rosacea, spider veins, melasma, and redness however do not discriminate as to who they invade. A photofacial is perfect for anyone that is a bit concerned about signs of premature aging, sun damage, or redness as the procedure can be performed successfully on any age group with beautiful results. For younger patients that prefer a bit of discretion, a photofacial is far superior to an aggressive laser treatment.

Helps with Skin Tone

Aggressive laser treatments resurface your skin to give you a more youthful appearance. A photofacial is much more than that. With a photofacial, patients find relief from fine lines and wrinkles, but can also even out skin tone as well. Those with melasma and other skin conditions that affect pigmentation of facial skin find that a photofacial is among the most effective solutions with very little maintenance. Patients may have to get a renewed photofacial once every few months to maintain flawless, beautiful skin.

Treatment for Rosacea and Broken Capillaries

Reddening of skin can sometimes be attributed to mild irritations or can be a more serious condition such as rosacea. Some patients suffer from broken capillaries in their facial skin causing unflattering redness. Few effective treatments are available for these conditions and a facelift is, again, merely for evening out skin’s look and feel. A photofacial is unique in the fact that it alleviates the appearance of reddening skin issues such as Rosacea and broken capillaries with stunning results.

Believe Aesthetics

We have seen how a photofacial can be a far superior option to invasive laser treatments and if you need a little help getting rid of redness, sun spots, or spider veins, Believe Aesthetics is here for you. We have helped countless people enjoy renewed youthful exuberance through our many cosmetic procedures. Contact us today and let us help you with your face and body issues. Do you need a little extra help feeling fantastic?


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